Tuesday, December 10, 2013

30 (Funny) Things to do When You're Bored

1) Walk up to a child that resembles you and tell them that you are from the future.
2) Run up to someone random on the street and slap them with a loaf of bread.
3) Go to pets smart and buy bird seed and ask the cashier how long it will take for a bird to grow.
4) Go to McDonalds and ask for a happy meal with extra happy.
5) Go to a library and ask for a book on how to read.
6) Follow strangers around a store and spray everything they touch with disinfectant.
7) Come late to school and when the teacher asks why say your pet rock had a seizure.
8) Take a stuffed animal to the vet.
9) Buy an ice cream and ask someone if they believe in unicorns then squish the cone to your forehead.
10) Make a cardboard car and wait in the carwash line.
11) Fill your mouth with whipped cream and run down the streets yelling "I have rabies".
12) Go to a horror movie and when everyone's quiet scream.
13) Put a picture of a dog up on dating site.
14) Mail a doughnut to a police station.
15) Name your hair George and go to a salon and be upset that they killed George.
16) Hide in clothes racks at a store and when someone is looking say "pick me".
17) Walk into Sea World with a fishing pole.
18) Make a scarecrow and put it in your yard and yell at it to get off your property.
19) Tie a balloon to yourself and say that it's following you.
20) Dress up as a grandma and break dance in Wal-Mart.
21) Attempt to glue yourself to the ceiling, if you succeed , spit on people as the walk past.
22) Get out of the car at every red light with music turned up and start dancing.
23) Go to weight watchers with a bag of cookies.
24) Go to a restaurant and ask for a glass of ice because water makes you sick.
25) Call a telephone company and ask them if they want to buy a phone.
26) Ring a random doorbell and when they answer just stare at them.
27) Run down the street saying "they're after meh lucky charms."
28) Walk up to a drive-thru window and order one french fry.
29) Vacuum the lawn.
30) Get a job at Target as a greeter and say welcome to Wal-Mart.

*Not that I would actually do any of these things just trying to make you laugh :-)

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