Monday, July 29, 2013

Never Let Me Go Passage 5

"Yes, there were arguments. But by the time people became concerned about...about students, by the time they came to consider just how you were reared, whether you should have been brought into existence at all, well by then it was too late. There was no way to reverse the process" (262-263).

This passage helps the reader to make sense of the theme portrayed by using the point of views of many people. The theme in this passage is conformity. Society in this novel, when deciding about the cloning of humans, did not think of any implications and just conformed to the idea. By the time people realized it was wrong, it was too late to go back. Everyone had a different point of view on the idea of cloning and once the process actually occurred and there were real human beings produced, people looked at them as different because they weren't so sure about the idea to begin with. People conform to many things daily because not everyone is willing to express their personal opinions. Due to this, many wrong decisions are made, and once people realize these decisions are wrong, they then want to express their opinions. That is exactly what happened in this novel. People conformed to the idea of cloning, so the wrong decision was made, and the outcome was hate towards to products of the decision.

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