Saturday, May 31, 2014

Potential Cover Letter

I read your job posting on in December of 2013 and became interested as I am confident that my skills I have acquired will qualify me to be your Medical Office Administrator. 

In the year 2013, I took a yearlong medical assisting program where I learned various skills including computer skills, business skills, and clinical skills. I am proficient at answering phones, greeting patients, processing business communications, and filing. I also know how to use effectively Microsoft Word, Pages, and Google Docs. My keyboarding speed is 60 words per minute with 100 percent accuracy.

I am a very responsible, goal oriented individual. Throughout my years in high school, I have acquired many honors and recognitions. In my medical assisting class, I was recognized as October Student of the Month and received the award of perfect attendance. I also received many recognitions in my career as a high school field hockey player. I was nominated as captain of the 2013 team where I lead my team through a very strong season. I was awarded the All-State recognition as well as the All-Star First Team recognition and I was placed on the All-Academic Team. As far as academics, I have been on the honor roll every single year and I maintain a high grade point average. I am confident I am a good fit for this position. 

This opportunity greatly interests me. I hope you will consider all of my qualifications and achievements and will see me as a good fit for this position. I have excellent references who will support my credentials. I look forward to speaking with you. Thank you for your time and consideration. 


Lauren L. Russell

Thank You Letter for Plastic and Hand

Plastic and Hand Surgical Associates
Mrs. Michele Smith, PA-C
Dr. John Atwood, MD, FACS
Dr. David Fitz, MD, FACS
Ms. Charlotte 
Mrs. Debbie
244 Western Avenue
South Portland, ME   04106

Dear Mrs. Michele Smith, Dr. Atwood, Dr. Fitz, Charlotte, Debbie and Office Staff:

I would like to take this time to sincerely thank you and your staff for hosting me these last eight weeks for my clinical experience.

This experience has gone by way too fast. I am going to really miss coming in to your office every week and viewing all of the neat procedures and especially spending time with all of you. I felt welcome one hundred percent of the time and I learned so much in such a short amount of time. I sincerely appreciate your patience and all of the time you spent with me. I will carry on what I learned in this experience for the rest of my life and will never forget all of you. I will especially remember being able to view several surgeries first hand. I cannot begin to express my appreciation for this opportunity. It was great working with all of your welcome, understanding patient’s and I look forward to a great future in the medical field.

Again, my sincere thanks for this clinical opportunity. This experience has more than confirmed my interest in the medical field, it has given me an insight as to what to expect. I will never forget this experience and I hope as I eventually get out on my own, I will find people as pleasant and warm as all of you to work with. 


Lauren Russell
Biddeford Regional Center of Technology

Medical Assisting Student

NTHS Essay

 At some point in everyone’s life, there comes a moment when that person has to choose between right and wrong and the consequences of both. That point in my life was my sophomore year in my regular chemistry class. At first, it seemed like a great idea. We worked together to get our work done. As the year progressed, the people I sat with began to slack off a bit and wouldn’t do their homework. They would ask to copy off of me and I agreed at first, because I thought it would be a onetime thing. Well, I was wrong and the more they copied off of me, the more I wanted to do something about it. But at the time, I sort of just let it go because I’m not the type of person to “tell” on someone, especially my friends. 
As I kept blowing it off, they began to take pictures of the study guides to use while they took their tests. They told me that I should do it and the teacher would never know. I refused because I wanted to take the test knowing that I could do it without cheating. As it turns out, my decision proved correct. Those people were caught cheating and given failing grades. 

To me, this incident was a true test of my character and integrity to stay true to myself. Cheating can be very tempting but when you work hard it is not necessary and doing the right thing pays off. I guess the lesson here is, when you’re friends are doing something they shouldn’t be and try to pressure you into it, stick to your guns and do what you believe is the right thing and everything will work out in the end. 


There has been a little kitten hanging around my house for the past couple of weeks. She looked so helpless and hungry so we gave her some food and water and she has been coming back for more. As we gave her more food, we would try to gain her trust. Today, my sister and I gained the little kittens trust. She let us pet her and we eventually lured her into a carrier and brought her to the Animal Welfare Society.

I wanted to wright about this because I love animals. We wanted to keep the little kitten but we already have two cats of our own and they most likely wouldn't be accepting of another cat. I feel like I did my deed for the day by helping this little guy so she can get the medical help she needs and eventually be put into a permanent home where she will be loved for the rest of her life.

My Resume

Lauren L. Russell
104 Grant Road – Saco, Maine 04072
Electronic Mail:
(207) 205-9095  


  • Highly Motivated – Experience as leader of a sports team, volunteer work, team building, and goal driven leader who meets high performance standards efficiently and without error.

  • Computer Skills – Proficient in Microsoft Word, Pages, PowerPoint, Excel, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Macintosh, Windows XP; keyboarding skills of 50 w.p.m. with 100% accuracy.

  • Fast Learner, Resourceful – Experience in fast paced, high quality/detail-oriented, customer focused environments.

  • Outstanding Interpersonal Skills – Works well with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Ability to treat people with respect and courtesy.
Diploma – Thornton Academy – projected graduation 6/14, advanced placement classes and honors classes.
Medical Assisting Program One Year Certificate of Completion – Biddeford Regional Center of Technology – projected graduation 5/14.
Cashier – April 2013 to Present
Hannaford Supermarkets, Saco, Maine.

Duties include ensuring high level customer service, handling the cash register, and returning carts to their appropriate location.
Ride AttendantJune 2012 to September 2012 (seasonal)
Funtown Splashtown USA, Saco, Maine.

Duties include operating rides in the park, inclusive of: safety purposes, ride maintenance, and keeping the area clean.
Outstanding Student Award - Biddeford Regional Center of Technology – October 2013
Honor Roll – All four years of high school – 2010 to 2014
High School Perfect Attendance Award – 2013 and 2014
All State Field Hockey Team – 2013
All Academic Field Hockey Team – 2013
National Honor Society – Biddeford Regional Center of Technology - 2014
Captain – Varsity Field Hockey – 2013
Varsity Track and Field – 2010 to 2012
Student Leadership Council Treasurer – Biddeford Regional Center of Technology - 2013 to 2014
Saco Recreational Youth Field Hockey Referee and Volunteer – 2011 to 2013
Thornton Academy Children’s Winter Carnival Volunteer – March 8, 2014

  • Knowledge of medical terminology and basic anatomy and physiology

  • Knowledgeable with vital signs, blood draws, and giving injections

Excellent References Available Upon Request

Captain Speech

The 2013 Field Hockey season was a great one despite ending in heart break. Our team was full of compassion for the game, skill, and most importantly the drive to win. Despite our disappointing playoff game that lasted about three hours, we accomplished so much over the season and should be nothing but proud. With an end record of 11 wins and 4 losses, 61 total goals scored throughout the season and only 11 let in, we were a record setting team that will leave behind a legacy. Morgan Dube will graduate as the all time leading scorer and points leader for the team and I will graduate as the all time assist leader at TA. Each and every player apart of the 2013 team played a key role in our success and this year shall never be forgotten.
I would personally like to thank Coach Smith for everything she has done for me over the past few years. It is going to be hard not coming back to her this coming Fall as her player. I would also like to give thanks to my parents for their support, Mr. Stevens for everything he does, and the TA boosters for all they have given us.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Funny Pictures

I wasn't having a very good day the other day so I decided to go on pinterest and look at funny pictures. Hope you think, they are as funny as I do:

Lady Catherine de Bourgh

Lady Catherine de Bourgh is an overbearing woman who will argue and fight with anyone and everyone just to get her own way. She will not settle for any disagreement; she is bossy, mean, egotistical and so much more, that no one can stand her. She is so mean that she went all the way from her estate to see Lizzy just to tell her that she would be a disgrace to Pemberley if she married Darcy.

In my opinion, the way Austen portrays Lady Catherine is effective in adding humor to the whole novel. Because Lady Catherine is the way she is, it gives room for other characters in the story to make fun of her and of the situation as a whole. Lady Catherine is also a good example of a wealthy, aristocratic, but arrogant women at the time which completely goes against the stereotypical women during the time period.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Collins

"Oh! my dear," cried his wife, "I cannot bear to hear that mentioned. Pray do not talk of that odious man. I do think it is the hardest thing in the world, that your estate should be entailed away from your own children; and I am sure, if I had been you, I should have tried long ago to do something or other about it" (52).

This passage emphasizes Mrs. Bennet's lack of knowledge when it comes to money. She's upset because Mr. Collins will be taking over the house and not to her daughters. But by law, the money must be passed on to a man not divided among their daughters to then be spread out throughout several families. The irony of this whole passage, and that Mrs. Bennet does not realize, is that if she was able to have a boy, then none of these problems would have arisen. Therefore, the estate and money being passed onto Mr. Collins is in a way her own fault. 

Darcy's Secret Love for Elizabeth Revealed

"But no sooner had he made it clear to himself and his friends that she hardly had a good feature in her face, than he began to find it was rendered uncommonly intelligent by the beautiful expression of her dark eyes. To this discovery succeeded some others equally mortifying. Though he had detected with a critical eye more than one failure of perfect symmetry in her form, he was forced to acknowledge her figure to be light and pleasing; and in spite of his asserting that her manners were not those of the fashionable world, he was caught by their easy playfulness" (18).

I like this passage because it reveals to the reader's that Mr. Darcy has fallen for Elizabeth, but has a funny way of showing it. He picks apart her every feature and action and criticizes them like she's someone he would never go for. While at the same time admires those little flaws; "beautiful expression", "intelligent", "easy playfulness". In other words, Darcy admires everything about Elizabeth and feels like she is the perfect girl for him. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

AP Exam

After taking the AP Literature and Composition exam today, I feel relieved knowing that everything difficult is now over with for the rest of my senior year. I feel like the exam went okay. The multiple choice set was probably the hardest one we've ever done this year. The essay w=questions seemed to come pretty easy to me. I don't know if my writing improved as much as I would have wanted it to on this exam, but I tried my best in the time that was given.

Even though this class was a struggle at times, I am  really glad I took it. It has greatly improved my writing from last year and has given me a look into literature (even though it's not my favorite thing). This class has been very beneficial and I hope that everyone else in the class feels the same way. :-)

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Healthy Snacks

I am always looking for healthy alternatives to snack on when I'm hungry. This chart helps me out a lot because it satisfies whatever I'm craving!

Excited/Scared for College

Now that I have made the final decision about where I want to attend college, I am really excited to go. I even visited the school and can absolutely see myself there in the Fall. I am also very scared for what's to come. Not only am I pursuing one of the most challenging and demanding majors, I am playing field hockey and will have a boyfriend and family back home to try and visit on a regular basis. I'm scared that it will be too much to handle, but I hope that I can do it all successfully.

Although this is a scary step in  my life, it is really exciting to be starting something new and to begin studying the career that I've wanted to do for a long time now. I can't wait to be out there caring for people and making money and living the life I have wanted to live since I was a little girl.

"Tornado Victim Texts 'Goodbye Mom'"

When I heard about the boy who texted him mom goodbye right before he was about to die, it broke my heart. But, despite the tragedy, it is also a very moving story. The fact that this young man's lasts thoughts were to make sure he said goodbye to his mother and that he loved her, depicts true humanity and love. Even though this boy's mother is upset by her loss, she can move on knowing that her son truly cared for her and appreciated everything she did for him.

This story makes me appreciate everything my mom does for me. With Mother's Day right around the corner, I will be sure to let her know hoe much I love her and appreciate her. It takes a story like this to make children and parents realize how valuable life is and how easily it can be taken away. So appreciate while you can and be sure to let your loved ones know that they are indeed loved.

Safe Haven: Movie v. Book

As it is the majority of the time, the book was way better than the movie! After watching the movie for the first time, I thought it was amazing and the perfect love story but then I read the book. After the finishing the book, I came to the conclusion that the film makers left out so many key parts from the novel, that it wasn't even the same. Personally, I think Nicolas Spark's writing is amazing and I don't know why they would erase any parts from his novel, but it is what it is and both were still awesome to watch and read if you're in to the whole sappy love story kind of thing. I would highly recommend the book over the movie, even though it was one of my favorites.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Bucket List

1. Sky dive
2. Work in an emergency room as a nurse
3. Go somewhere exotic
4. Ride in an airplane
5. Own a horse
6. Live on a farm
7. Graduate college
8. Ride a snowmobile in Alaska
9. Go to Hawaii
10. Hike the Appalachian Mountain Trail


I recently watched that all famous disney movie that has recently come out, Frozen. I absolutely love this movie. It was perfect in the sense that the storyline fit the intended child viewers, but the little inside jokes and hilarious remarks are what made the movie. Especially Olaf the snowman, my favorite character.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from Olaf:

Olaf: [singing] Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle / But put me in summer and I'll be a...
[pauses in front of a puddle]
Olaf: ... happy snowman!

Olaf: [after getting pierced by an icicle] Oh, look at that. I've been impaled.

Anna: Olaf! You're melting!
Olaf: Some people are worth melting for.
[begins to melt, grabs his face to stay up]
Olaf: Just... maybe not right this second.

Olaf: Oh, I love it. It's so cute. It like a little baby unicorn.
[touches his new carrot nose excitedly]

Olaf: Hi, everyone. I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!

If you have not seen this movie, I highly recommend it!!!

Shakespeare Critic for a Minute

My class just recently got done reading Macbeth and I don't know about them, but I really HATED IT. And for that matter, all of Shakespeare's writing. For me, it is so hard to follow and hard to understand that it takes me such a long time, and even when I read it slow and tried to digest what was written, I still couldn't understand. Not only is it the 20th century writing that can be confusing, it is the way that Shakespeare himself prefers to write, and even some critics agree;

"Shakespeare was criticized for mixing comedy and tragedy and failing to observe the unities of time and place prescribed by the rules of classical drama."

Read more: William Shakespeare: Critical Opinion |

Overall, I do not like Shakespeare's writing and despite what other people may say, I hope I never have to read any of his work again. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Mud Run

This July, I will be going down to Massachusetts with 18 other women to compete in the Dirty Girl Mud Run. This event is for women only and all of the money raised goes to supporting research for breast cancer. This is a 5 to 7 mile race through an obstacle course in the mud. I am so excited to do this because not only am I getting a ton of exercise and getting muddy, I'm doing it for a good cause so that makes it all worth it. :-)


This horses name is Sammy. He was afraid to be ridden because his past owner hit him whenever he didn't do what they wanted. I recently have began to make a relationship with Sammy and built up trust with him. Though he was very afraid and jumpy this day when I rode him for the first time, he let me ride him and did everything I asked. After I was done riding him, we could see a change in his mood, he was happy. He knew that he was finally in a safe place with people that he could trust.

I just don't understand how anyone could hurt such a sweet, innocent animal that just wants nothing but to be loved. It broke my heart knowing that at first, he was afraid that I was going to hurt him. But now that I have gained his trust, it has opened up a whole new chapter in his life and he will begin to be an amazing horse to ride.

Women and Revolution

After finishing Book II of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, I have come to a conclusion about women during the French Revolution. At first they were depicted as innocent, sweet beings who did nothing all day but knit. Well, this imaged changed drastically when Madame Defarge whips out her ax and just goes at everything in sight. To me, though she may have a little on the too violent side, this was how women should have responded to this type of situation back then. They shouldn't have just sat around like victims, doing nothing about the situation. They should be by their husbands sides supporting and protecting their families and themselves. I sort of look up to Madame Defarge in a way because of her bravery and her actions. She wasn't the typical woman  during that time and stood up for what she believed in and for what she wanted. This is what I imagine Madame Defarge looks like:

Monday, March 31, 2014

Tips for High School Seniors with Senioritis

1. Plan Ahead- Don't let yourself get behind and put things off until last minute.

2. Don't Obsess- Don't obsess over the college process or getting accepted. Just let what happens happen and it will all work out in the end.

3. Talk About it- Senior year can be sad and exciting. All of these emotions can be hard to deal with so talking about it can be helpful.

4. Have Fun- Enjoy senior year. It's your last year in high school and should be fun.

5. Stay On Track- Keep your grades high because colleges can revoke your acceptance.

I unfortunately am suffering with senioritis. As easy as it is to say that you can stay on track, it's difficult when all you want to do is graduate. My grades are definitely not as good as they were in previous years, but I am trying my best to keep up and study and not lose focus.

April Fools Day 1987

Twenty-seven years ago on April 1st, the Pleasant River in Milo, Maine flooded. My Father's brother Scott Russell, who is not deceased, house flooded to six inches just below the ceiling of the first floor. When flooding first occurred, my uncle and his wife tried to rescue everything they could, including a TV and a couch and brought it up to the second floor. By the time they came back downstairs, they had to swim through the water to get out of the house. Not only did they have to swim, they had to wade through water that was saturated with heating oil. The basement was completely filled with water so it made the oil tank flip over and broke all of the oil lines. My parents, together at the time, helped my uncle gut out the house afterwards for over a month. The house was later repaired and they moved back in.

I choose to write about this event in my family because I never got to meet my Uncle Scott. I was sitting in my kitchen today and my Dad started talking about this event and I found it interesting. That same year, my uncle tragically died in a car accident. So I guess the month of April and the year 1987 is a really sad year for my Dad and his family.

Teen Drug Use

So far in 2014, there have been at least 13 teen deaths related to the use of heroin. One mother of a young man that died has reached out to parents and children around the country to explain that this can happen to anyone;

Dear Friends, 

It’s been almost one month since we lost our Danny. I vowed his death will not be just another drug related casualty and yet I don’t have the strength to use my voice to reach out to others. I thought of starting a blog but can’t get it going. I have a message to parents and young people about what we learned so the best way to get it out is for everyone who reads this post to share it and hopefully our experience can save another life. Here is what we learned:

1. This can happen to anyone. No socioeconomic barriers exist. Every time you smoke weed, or use what is perceived as recreational drug, there is a chance that it is tainted with a substance that can kill. 

2. The drug dealer is not always the creepy inner city guy or some bad kid from town; it could be your next door neighbor, a father of children your kid’s ages. 

3. Most teens don’t think anything bad will ever happen to them. They often think they are in control of the situation and are just “partying”. Parents don’t think it will happen in their family. Drugs and my kid “never”! WAKE UP EVERYONE; what was considered recreational drug use just a few years ago is completely different now. Coke, Molly, Xanax, Shrooms, Acid, Weed and any form of pain killers are the NORM. Don’t worry so much about locking up your liquor cabinet; lock your medicine cabinet first. We spoke to many of Danny’s friends after his death to try to make sense of what happened. Kids today speak a different language regarding what is normal. We were in shock at how blatantly they talked about using these drugs as if they were having a pizza. It is a different world today. My older kids were as shocked as we are. One is 29 the other is 27. What is normal now was considered crossing the line when they were in college! Danny wasn’t out of high school a year before he died. 

4. You can have the best environment and the happiest of families. Your child could be abusing or addicted drugs and you might not even know it. Danny came from a very happy home; parents who are married over 30 years and still love each other as we did 30 years ago. He had an older brother and sister who adored him and watched over him like a parent. Grandmothers, aunts, uncles, cousins. A very tight, happy and loving family. We can’t wrap our heads around this; you think there has to be some type of family drama or problem that would cause your child to start using any type of drug. It doesn’t! If drugs grab hold of your child, it is a demon you may not even be aware of until something drastic occurs. 

5. You can talk to your kids about drugs, schools can educate them; it usually doesn’t help or work in most cases. You’re lucky if your kid learned something from the education process. Danny had all the lectures, education and information from school, his family, his siblings, his cousins and from families we know with kids with drug abuse problems There are many families who are experiencing the in and out of rehab hell; a hell we would gladly visit if we were given the chance. Unfortunately, most of you know what happened to him. Go re-read lessons 1 and 2. We talked constantly about what was going on out there from our limited knowledge base. That is one of the problems; as parents most of us don’t even know what to look for when you would never put the words drugs and your kid in the same sentence. Remember, Danny didn’t start smoking weed alone. I am sure he didn’t experiment with other substances alone either. Your kid may be trying different party drugs and you wouldn’t even know it. 

6. Teenagers are very skilled at half truths. There is a fine line between trusting your kid and becoming a maniac who is following the teens every move. My son told me everything I wanted to hear to ensure he was okay and not doing anything stupid. He even told me about an intervention his friends had after New Years for some of his buddies. I knew all about it! He left out the part that he was being intervened as well. He told me about the amount of partying his friends were doing at college when they came home for winter break and how many of them have changed. He trained us to leave him alone. As the parents of a 19 year old, we had no reason not to trust him so we gave him the freedom to act like a first year college student.

7. Right under our nose our son was using drugs. I work from home for the past 18 years. My office is two feet from his bedroom. I am home all the time. There was not one sign that could not be considered a typical teenage action. Danny went to school, he went to work at his part time job, and he had a girlfriend he adored. He ate dinner with us every night. He called home and reached out to us whenever he was out. He called me every day on his way home from school to see what we were having for dinner. He had conversations with us when he felt like it. He told us he loved us every single day. Sounds normal right? He never took money from my purse, occasionally he would take my debit card but I could see exactly what he did; fast food and gas in his car. He got angry once in a while, what teenager doesn’t? He slept late and stayed up late; typical college student behavior. Does that sound like a drug abuser? Not to us especially after having gone through the teenage years with our older kids.

8. There is tremendous shame and embarrassment felt by kids when they recognize they have a substance abuse problem. They may have done terrible things to get money to buy drugs. These feelings of shame can prevent them from seeking help from the people who love them and would do anything for them. We learned a great deal about our son after his death that I know, 100%, would cause him to be scared out of his mind to tell us. Parents know that parental love is unconditional but many kids don’t understand it. It is that fear of what may happen if their parents find out that holds them back from being truthful. We thought we had an open relationship with Danny where he could tell us anything (mom and siblings especially). If he had not been given a lethal dose of homemade drugs, we most likely would have only found out if he told us, someone else told us, or if he got arrested. We found out when we broke down his bedroom door. Parents, please reinforce unconditional love to your kids. Let them know that no matter what they have done or are doing, you will be there for them. It may be disappointing and embarrassing, but you can save your kids life. We wish we had the chance to at least try.

9. The unwritten CODE OF TEENAGERS is to keep silent about anything you know that may cause you lose a friend. This is the way it is and the way it always was. We all have to learn a new code, a code that can save a life. Having a friend be mad at you is different than having a friend or their child that is dead. You only lose a friend when they are gone forever. That friend will thank you some day and their family may be spared the agony my family is living through right now. Re-read number 3. There is a new normal out there that is beyond most of our comprehension. Anyone who knows their friends are making bad choices, using drugs that are deadly or parents who know their kids are using drugs but didn’t reach out to warn the parents of their friends to look out: BREAK the CODE; open up your mouth and tell their families. It wasn’t until Danny died that we found out how many of his friends knew what he was doing. We also learned that one of his friends, a friend he had since age 6, was in a day rehab. His mother didn’t call me and warn me to look out for my son. I would have done that for her if I was the one that found out first. Her son is now in rehab and can try to get a new start; Danny didn’t get that chance. We didn’t get a chance to help our son. Had someone tipped us off, it may have taken a while to process but we would at least been looking out for signs. Schools and police departments have a place in this at some point, but first and foremost, kids should have a safe method of informing so they will actually do it. Be creative, find ways within your communities to let kids know they need to BREAK the CODE and tell someone. They can save a life. 

10. For those of you who are lucky enough to have the opportunity to help your child DON’T MESS IT UP!!! Get them into rehab. Do what you need to save them. If you need to move to a new area to get them away from their friends, DO IT. Help them get the support they need through groups, counseling etc. Be there for them every step of the way now and forever. We didn’t get the chance to help our Danny. We can’t help but be somewhat jealous of those families that can at least try. I spoke to families that are living the “in and out of rehab hell” and I swear, we would take that hell over our hell any day. Both are horrible but your kids are alive, our son is not. I can’t even describe the pain my family is experiencing right now and how our lives are changed forever. If you are lucky enough to get the chance, do it right!! 

Unfortunately, many kids have very short memories for a local tragedy. We saw real and true tears at Danny’s funeral from many of the hundreds of kids who came. We have also learned that a few days later, many were back to business as usual waiting for the next chance to get wasted at whatever excuse there is for a party. Some kids learned a lesson, many didn’t learn a thing. Please share this with everyone on your friend list and parents, please recognize it doesn’t just happen to other people, it can happen to you. We thought the same thing and will now have to live with broken hearts for the rest of our lives. Please learn from our experience and hopefully help your child or friend before it is too late.

Linda Lajterman

I agree with what this mother says; that teens think that nothing bad will ever happen to them, but it can at any time. I think that something needs to be done to prevent these overdoses from happening to more people, not just teens.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Clinical Experience

I have been participating in an internship through my medical assisting program for the past seven weeks at Plastic and Hand Surgical Associates in South Portland. It has been an amazing experience. I have learned more in more in just seven weeks, one day per week of being out in an actual field, than I have learned in months of school. I have been allowed to interact with actual patients; taking blood pressures, height and weight measurements, viewing surgeries, and assisting in the removal of stitches. This experience has solidified my interest in the medical field and has even made me think about pursuing a career as a surgical nurse.

Personally, I think that a hands on opportunity like this should be taken advantage of by every student. I learned about the operations of an actual medical facility through this experience and have learned what the medical field entails. I have made relationships with registered nurses, surgical technicians, and plastic surgeons, that will support me in my future job search. I am so thrilled to have had this experience and I wish every prospecting medical student could have the same opportunity as I did.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cyril Connolly Letter Response

The letter to Briony from Cyril Connoly in Ian McEwan's novel Atonement encompasses the ideas of modernism and stream of consciousness. The first reference to the stream of consciousness idea is made about a quarter of the way down on page 402. Cyril recognizes Briony's use of her own "flow of thought" in Brony's writing. Cyril then makes a reference to Virginia Woolf, one of the first authors to use steam of consciousness. Cyril basically says that Briony's writing is almost too similar to that of Woolf's;"However, we wondered whether it owed a little too much to the techniques of Mrs. Woolf" (402).

Then the reference to Elizabeth Bowen on page 404. Elizabeth read part of Briony's story and was "hooked for a while" but felt the same as Connoly, that there was really no back bone or purpose to her writing. Both Connoly and Bowen want to see Briony use more modernism in her writing. Another reference is made toward the end of the letter saying that Briony shouldn't Indeed they are write about the war in her work; "Indeed, they are wise and right to ignore it and devote themselves to other subjects" (405). And another reference to stream of consciousness right after; "Since artists are politically impotent, they must use this time to develop deeper emotional levels" (405).

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I recently discovered pinterest and now I am addicted. There are so many different things to look at from recipe ideas to the latest fashion. I really like looking at all the different recipes. I tend to like to eat really healthy and here are so many healthy recipes on pinterest, I just want to try them all. One that really stood out to me was a green smoothie that does not taste like grass:

  • 1 cup raw kale, chopped
  • 1 frozen banana, roughly chopped
  • 1 cup frozen mango
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds (Trader Joes sells them near the cereal section and most health food stores carry them as well.)
  • 1 squeeze of lemon
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 bunch mint, for garnish

CNN Article Response

I read this article today and was blown away at the case this high school senior was trying to build. She is basically suing her parents for failing to to pay for her high school tuition and other living costs. The girl had claimed that her parents kicked her out for no good reason and that she felt abandoned by them. But then the truth came out. Her parents did not kick her out at all, she moved out willingly when she turned 18 because she did not want to follow her parents rules including curfews and other normal rules. The girl's parents were heartbroken that her daughters actions had gone this far and that she felt that they abandoned her when actually they were so willing to pay for her but she did not want to live under their rules, so why pay for her. In the end, the judge ruled this girl's lawsuit basically useless and that her actions were that of a spoiled rotten brat who just wanted her parents to pay for her.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Atonement - Assessment of Briony ‘s Bildungsroman or “Coming of Age”

At first, Briony is characterized as a young girl who has been very sheltered throughout her life and is unaware of the proceedings of the world. She is caught between reality and fantasy and does not know which one is real. As the story progresses, Briony begins to question her purpose in the world and decides to stay on the bridge until something real and meaningful happened to her. 

This happens when Robbie gives her the letter to give to Cecilia. Whens Briony succumbs to curiosity and reads the letter, she sees something that she has never seen before and does not understand and perceives it as something so horrible that she immediately feels the need to protect her sister Cecilia from this monster that she thinks Robbie is. I also think that this letter brings up extreme jealousy in Briony as she finally realizes that Robbie does not love her, but instead loves her sister. So maybe Briony goes after Cecilia and Robbie as a form of protection or maybe to try and stop anything occurring between Robbie and Cecilia due to jealousy, who knows. But this is the point when Briony has her "coming of age" and realizes that the world isn't all about her and that people have their own problems just like her. 

Atonement - Characterize Paul Marshall

To me, Paul Marshall seems kind of creepy. To begin with, while the children are playing in the nursery, he enters and begins to flirt with Lola who is a very young girl. Paul Marshall is way older than Lola and it is so wrong that he is flirting with her. For the rest of the novel, Paul doesn't play a huge par in the story except for the fact that he always seems to be the guy who just sits back and observes. On the night that the twins go missing and the night of the horrible incident between Lola and supposedly (not really) Robbie takes place. During this, Paul is no where to be found and this leads me to think that maybe Paul was the one who raped Lola, not Robbie. Again, hopefully as I read more of the novel, all the truth will be revealed and maybe my prediction will be correct because we all know that it wasn't Robbie, so who else could it be?

Is Briony Really Unaware of the Difference Between Fantasy and Reality?

This question comes up along with many more as one reads Atonement, by Ian McEwan. In part one of the novel, Briony is characterized as an innocent young girl who can hardly tell the difference between fantasy and reality. She is so wrapped up in herself that she is unaware that everyone else in the world has thoughts and feelings just like hers. This portrayal of innocence is then questioned in part two of the novel, when Robbie recalls on a scene in the past where Briony admits that she is in love with Robbie. Robbie blew this off as an innocent crush but then realizes, after Briony had basically been the reason for him going to prison that maybe she was trying to get back at him for loving Cecilia, her sister, instead of herself.

So now Briony's innocence is question. Briony could have been fully aware of the implications that would result from accusing someone of rape. This could have been part of a plan to get revenge on Robbie after he blew her off and ignored her for over a year and then portrayed his love for Briony's sister. Hopefully the truth is revealed later in the novel but for now, I will continue reading and hope that the truth is revealed.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Death of a Salesman" and "Fences" Article Response

Arthur Miller and August Wilson are two very similar men. They have both won numerous awards for their writing, are both followers of baseball, and they both acknowledge the use of poetry in their works. Both authors write plays that could be considered autobiographical as well. In Miller's "Death of a Salesman" and Wilson's "fences" the protagonists of each play, Willy and Troy also portray similarities. Both Willy Loman and Troy Maxson are common men but both are apparently qualified to be tragic heroes. Both of these men are in pursuit of the American Dream with a special desire for material items. Likewise both of the men's wives can be seen as similar. They both enable their husbands to pursue their dreams while explaining their husbands actions to their children. Both Willy and Troy have sons that hold promising futures in the game of football where neither son makes it. Both men are unfaithful to their wives and end up dying before the plays end. But according to this article, the portrayal of these seemingly identical character's couldn't be farther from the truth.

Troy Maxson was an African American trying to make it during a time in America in which this was very difficult. He was abandoned by his mother at n early age and chased away by his father soon after. Troy had also spent a significant amount of time in prison as well. Willy on the other hand was a salesman that enjoyed his career. Because of troy's race, he is automatically put at a lower rank in the world than Willy. Willy is never faced with the obstacles that Troy was so it can be inferred that Willy was allowed to live an easier life than Troy, though both lives resulted in early death.

I agree with the author of this article. I see the similarities between Troy and Willy but I also see the significant differences. Troy had it a lot harder than Willy ever though of having it but ultimately chasing the American Dreams that both of these men had, resulted in their demises.

Found Poem - "Death of a Salesman"

Hopes and Dreams
Light rises on the kitchen.
Willy, talking, shuts the refrigerator door,
and comes downstage
to the kitchen table.
He is totally immersed in himself.
She more than loves him,
she admires him,
his massive dreams
and little cruelties,
served her only as sharp reminders,
of the turbulent longings within him.
But she lacks the temperament

to utter and follow to their end.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My Clinical Experience

I recently started a clinical at Plastic and Hand Surgical Associates through my medical assisting program at Biddeford Regional Center of Technology. This is an eight week program where i will get about thirty hours of clinical experience. My experience so far through this experience has been a great one. I have learned more in just 5 hours then I have learned in weeks of school. This opportunity allows me to make sure that the medical field is where I really want to go with my life and this experience has solidified that. I now know that I want to be a nurse and in the work area of a medical facility. I love the fast paced environment and caring for people and knowing that everyday is going to different.

Plastic and Hand Surgical Associates is a plastic surgery office where they perform anything from liposuction to the simple removal of a mole. I have been to this site two times now and I have already seen many different things. I have seen breast cancer patients who go from having a mastectomy (removal of breasts) to them having breasts again. It's amazing what they procedures can do. I have also seen a newborn baby with a cleft lip and other minor injuries. Overall this has been a great learning experience for me and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Troy as a Tragic Hero

August Wilson's character Troy from his play Fences can be considered a tragic hero. Growing up and trying to achieve the American Dream as a colored person during the time period in which this play was set, can be a very difficult challenge. Troy's dream was to become a professional baseball player but due to his race he was unable to accomplish this. As a result, he takes this out on his son Cory when Cory gets a shot to play football in college. By holding his son back, Troy thinks he is saving Cory from hurt when actually Troy just hasn't realized that times have changed and that colored athletes have a better chance now. Troy worked somewhat hard for everything he had, except for the payout from his brothers accident. Troy viewed himself as hard working but a little piece of him was taken away when he couldn't play baseball resulting in resentment towards many things. Troy's tragic flaw is that he is a colored man during a time when these people were seen as "different" and as a result of this flaw can be viewed as a tragic hero. Troy wen from being an excellent athlete with a future ahead of him to a fall from glory when his dream of becoming a pro baseball player is crushed. As a result, Troy suffers everyday knowing that because of his race, he was not able to accomplish his American Dream.

Is the American Dream Dead?

Personally, I do not believe the American Dream is dead. When children are young they look up to adults and explore the options of their futures. Though these dreams may seem unrealistic at the time, some children will followthrough with these dreams and become what they want to be in life. In Fences by August Wilson, Troy's son Cory strives to play football at the college level, when his father won't let him, because he was unsuccessful obtaining his dream, Cory goes for it anyway. That is the mentality of the American Dream, to go after what you want despite that people around you tell you you'll never be able to achieve a specific goal.

My parents for example, grew up in Millinocket, Maine where there isn't much of anything unless of course you want to work in the now closed mills. In an interview with my parents, they both exclaimed; "While we were growing up, we knew that we were eventually going to have to leave our hometown in order to make a living." My father who went into the logging business up in Millinocket out of high school knew that in order to achieve his American Dream of becoming a master electrician that he would have to move to southern Maine to achieve this. So, that is exactly what my parents did. Shortly after my mom graduated high school, they packed up and moved down here. My mom and dad both worked very hard to save enough money to build the house that I am still living in today. My parents accomplished their American Dream by moving out of a dying town and becoming prosperous down here.

So to me the American Dream is not dead. I am soon moving on to the next step in my life by going to nursing school and becoming what I think i want to be for the rest of my life. Though it is still far away, I am one step closer to my American Dream concluding that to me the American Dream still lives in every single American, whether they chose to go after it or not is up to them.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

"Musée des Beaux Arts" By W. H. Auden

I really liked this poem, not because of the meaning, but because of the ekphrastic style of poetry. I myself find it easier to write about something or create a poem based on a picture or painting such as in this poem. The meaning of this poem is morbid and portrays a realistic scene of people not being aware of their surroundings even though there is something horrible going on right next to them. The painting used to write this poem on the other hand is very beautiful and it is very hard to recognize Icarus drowning in the bottom corner showing how insignificant he was. The poem "Musée des Beaux Arts Revisited" emphasizes even more on the fact of how small and insignificant something can be, but still mean so much and that how "old painters were no fools" and that they understood how the mind worked. Therefore, these old painters could get away with putting something so small and morbid in a painting and it barely be recognized by the viewer.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Explication of "The Peace of WIld Things" By Wendell Berry

The title of this piece is paradox. Wild things aren't supposed to be peaceful and peaceful things aren't supposed to be wild. In this poem though, peace does exist within wild things. This idea then leads to  sort of mockery of civilization. Humans consider themselves peaceful but in reality, they aren't at all. The poet brings his own thoughts into this poem and it is left to the reader to create a picture of the despair portrayed in this poem. This poet also depicts a scenario in which the future is scary and that it is impossible to predict what will happen. Towards the end of the poem, the author does become at peace, but not with humans. He becomes at peace with the wilder things of the world who have a real idea about what peace actually is.

Explication of "Barbarians" By Mary Ruefle

This poem sets up a scene of cows laying in a field and in the trees sleeping. I took this poem to mean that the cows were exposing themselves to danger but had no idea of it. "As though sleep were an idea for which they were willing to die" means that these cows were maybe being stalked by some predator. The predator is waiting for the cows to go to sleep so that it can make its move and that is why sleeping is an invitation to die.

Explication of "Crow Law" By Linda Hogan

This poem symbolizes the circle of life. "The temple where crow worships" symbolizes a tree that a crow sits in waiting for something to be brought along for it to eat. The crow depends on the wolf to drag its food to where it can it. When the wolf can't finish the moose, the crow swoops in and finishes it. The wolf depends on the moose for food and humans depend on this natural process to keep species in check. This poem also represents how humans are still so unfamiliar with this process and somewhat afraid of it.

Explication of "Student" By Ted Kooser

This poem compares a student to the ocean. Students have so many responsibilities that it can sometimes be hard to handle but somehow they persevere and get through it. Much like how a baby turtle has to struggle to get into the ocean after it is hatched, but once it gets through the struggle of the waves, it has a bright future to look forward to. In the end of this poem, the student is struggling to get motivated to go into the library to study but knows that he has to in order to have a bright future ahead of him.

Scoring on Scarborough

Scarborough has always been a huge rivalry for Thornton Academy in every sport, but especially field hockey. They have been to the State Championships for the past 3 or 4 years, though not successful, they all worked very hard for it. This past field hockey season was especially important. We were considered the team to beat and Scarborough came onto our turf confident in their abilities as always. But us on the other hand, were ready for a fight. The previous season, we faced a tough loss to Scarborough. They were un-scored upon and we did score a goal on them but the refs were not in our favor. This season though, we did score on them thanks to Morgan, and we led the game all the way through the second half until the last ten minutes or so when they scored two goals and won the game in the last minute. We were disappointed but proud that we had accomplished our goal of scoring on them.

Ending a Chapter of My Life

(Coach Smith and I at the All-State Banquet)

In seventh grade, I started playing field hockey after I didn't make the soccer team. Not making the soccer team was one of the best things that ever happened to me because if I had, I would have never been introduced to field hockey. I have played field hockey non stop for the past six years and I loved every minute of it. This past fall, my senior season was really tough on me. Coming to the reality that it was actually over was hard. And till this day, I still can'y believe I will never be playing for Thornton Academy again. I made sure to leave my mark in this sport, and I did just that. I broke the school record of most assists, made the All-State Team, the All-Star First Team and the All Academic Team. Now that this chapter of my life has been successfully completed, I am ready to move onto the next chapter which includes going to college and playing for a college team.


On this beautiful day, I decided to take a chunk out of my day to do something that I love. Snowmobiling, though it may not be fun to everyone, is a blast for me. I love just riding along through the woods, especially after a big snow storm, just to look at all the pretty trees. To me, snowmobiling is way to relax and let everything go. The fact that I have my sister always willing to come along with me just makes it even better. I also love this sport because it's exciting and gets the adrenaline pumping especially on challenging trails. I tend to be an adrenalin junkie who will do anything to have fun, snowmobiling satisfies that craving. I love going fast and going over jumps, but most of all I just love looking at the beautiful scenery.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

10 Tips For College Freshman

1. The Freshman 15 does exist.

2. If you are not a morning person do not schedule classes for 7 in the morning.

3. Always wear flip flops in the shower.

4. Take advantage of free activities on campus.

5. Sit near the front of the class.

6. Get involved on campus.

7. Too much socializing equals bad grades.

8. It can be a pain to park when you bring your car with you.

9. Stay on campus on weekends.

10. Enjoy your college experience.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Explication of "Aunt Jennifer's Tigers" By Adrienne Rich

This poem is about Aunt Jennifer's tapestry which contains tigers that "prance across a screen." The tigers described in this poem are seen as a happy thing and are not fearful like a tiger should be. On the other hand, the picture of Aunt Jennifer the narrator gives us is that of fear and unhappiness. This is shown in lines 7 and 8; "The massive weight of Uncle's wedding band sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer's hand," and in lines 9 and 10; "When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by." This poem indicates an unhappy marriage between the narrators Aunt and Uncle. Even after the Aunt's death, she will still be burdened with the marriage as she will still wear the ring. The tigers are a symbol of her long lost happiness and freedom and through Aunt Jennifer's art, her life that she never lived will live on.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

General Outline of Sylvia Plath Research Paper

Introduction- Start of with a quote from biography, historical background, why she was the way she was, thesis.

First Paragraph- Talk more in depth about Sylvia's life, her tragedies, her father, suicide attempts, and her childhood.

Second Paragraph- Why her writing is so dark (quote from source on this) and this connects to her life. This paragraph will also include a bit on confessional writing and why Sylvia used this in her writing.

Third Paragraph- Analyzing The Bell Jar, "Lady Lazarus", and "Daddy". Connecting these pieces of writing to the darkness of Sylvia's life.

Conclusion- Summarize findings and conclude as to why Sylvia wrote so dark and connected her life through her writing.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Snow Shoeing

Snow Shoeing

I wait all year for the perfect storm,
To put on my show shoes,
And dress super warm.

Snow shoeing is my favorite winter activity,
I get lots exercise,
And look at the beautiful skies.

Winter is a beautiful season,
And there isn't any reason,
To not go outside and enjoy the weather.

Some people don't like the cold,
But when you're shoeing,
You surely won't be cold.

Explication of "The Girl Who Loved the Sky" By Anita Endrezze

This poem attracted me because of all the sensory images. The images in this poem allowed me to visualize the girl's feelings along with each image portrayed in the poem. The author uses all five of the senses in her poem. A few examples of this are when the author says; "the room smelled like glue" and "the sky tasted like cold metal." Sensory images are used in this to help the reader visualize the blind girls surroundings especially the sky, to picture what the how the world is viewed by the blind girl. The girl was born blind and had never seen the beauty of the world so she was forced to feel and discover the world through her other senses. The author uses this method to help the reader understand the blind girl's feelings.